Monster Hunter Information 3DS friends code: Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3ds Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): 8
Subject: Goa magara sub? Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:52 am
I was going through youtube and found this it seems to be subspecies or maybe an opposite gender to goa magara anyone have any insight on this? I find it interesting though.
Will Rathalos
Thank you Points : 45
Monster Hunter Information 3DS friends code: Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): 'Murica
That is Shagaru Magara which is the adult version of Goa Magara and is also the final boss fight for MH4's offline mode. So it's not a subspecies, it's just all grown up.
Yuki Rajang
Thank you Points : 20
Monster Hunter Information 3DS friends code: Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3ds Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): 8
Well if it makes you happy, Tigrex got a rare species that we currently know nothing about beyond the fact that it's a tigrex and is probably gonna destroy us all over and over and over and over and over. Also AKANTOR IS BACK!!!!!!!
Antari18 Seltas Queen
Thank you Points : 9
Monster Hunter Information 3DS friends code: Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): 8
It's pretty much same stuff as with I. Lagi. It just older version of Goa Magara but everyone calls it subspiecies. And tbh Goa Magara looks even older than this.