So, not sure who all is familiar with Game in Europe but they are one of the bigger videogame sellers in the UK. It's no surprise that they are currently having money troubles due to lower than average sales of systems and games. What is surprising though is that in a recent announcement they have blamed Nintendo for their lack in sales.
Basically what they said was that because Nintendo keeps running out of Switch stock (due to it being bought as soon as it's released to stores) it's causing them (Game through no fault of their own) to lose money since the Switch is the best current selling console and they don't have any to sale.
Since March the Switch between all retailers has sold 2.5 million units or so. Basically they've shipped 2.5 million units in 4 months and sold them all.
Now to put that in perspective, in Japan (which is still considered the main gaming market) the PS4 sold 1 million units in 49 weeks. The PS4 is considered the best current selling console (or was). The Switch sold 1 million consoles in 17 weeks. Looking at it in those terms Nintendo has sent out the stock (even to us unworthy here in the west), it just sells out that quickly.
My question is, is Game wrong in blaming Nintendo for a lack in supply or is it Games fault for underestimating the demand and overstating the amount of stock? To be fair though, most retailers underestimated the demand.
Here's a link:
Gamasutra GAME articleIf your interested in reading about it. Also note at the end of the article where GAME shows high hopes for the soon to be released XBOX (and people said the WiiU naming confused people).