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 Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!

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King of the Skies
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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 2:30 am

I am stuck at the quest where you need to kill a Lao-Shan Lung. I don't know the best way to kill it! Since nobody I know has this game, I am forced to defeat it solo. Please help!

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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 4:41 am

Lao can be INCREADIBLY easy to solo, on any rank. Not sure what weapons you use but here's a few suggestions:

Get underneath him, facing his belly, & do three upstabs (two if he is in Rage Mode... which causes him to move faster). Immediately hop back once or twice, then do two or three more upstabs. Repeat this the entire 35 minutes.

Get underneath him, facing AWAY from his belly (facing the same direction Lao is). Alternate between Charge Slash & Horizontal Slash attacks, dodge rolling forward when necessary. Repeat this until the final area. By then you will probably want to perform "Hit & Run" tactics with just Charge Slashes (since his belly will be higher up, while standing).

I've never actually used Hammer on Lao, but I'm sure the following will work (if not, I know NOVA is floating around here, just waiting to educate someone on Hammering Elder Dragons).
Get underneath him (facing away from the belly), do a triple pound, roll forward... Rinse & Repeat till dead.

Get something with Rapid Fire Pierce. Bring as much Pierce 1 / 2 / 3 Shot as you can. Bring as many materials to make MORE of those Pierce shots, as you can. Face Lao (so your bullets travel through his entire body), shoot him in the head. Use Pellet S / Dragon S or even Ballistas / Cannon Balls if he isn't dead by the last area.

You can substitute "Belly" for "Head" with these tactics, but Lao's belly actually takes more damage then his head. You may or may not want to have an armor skill called Wind Resistance/Proof. This will negate the 'shockwaves' he generates with each step. I personally have never needed this skill, as the range of these shockwaves is small enough to avoid (standing in the center of this belly). You will also want any skill that improves Attack Power, Critical Rate, Element UP (if using a dragon weapon) or even Speed Sharpen (gets your weapon back to max power faster).
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Phazon Xenomorph
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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 22, 2012 11:49 am

Make Diablos D (rare 4 green color) armor and get a high raw hammer. Gem the set for speed sharpening and high speed gathering and just sit on his belly the whole time. Pretty much do what Mazeron here in that video did, from low to G rank this trick works.
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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 28, 2012 1:51 am

Personal experience dictates...

Lao-Shan Lung is one of the easiest fights in the game, the only problem is his tail which is easily avoided with a little bit of timing and the occasional panic dive.

How you want to kill is it as has been said. You face away from the belly with a hammer or GS ( I would not suggest other weapons, as they lack the requisite power to make the repel, much less the kill... it's doable, just not easy. ) and just continuously use your stronger attacks/combos. If you're using a GS, I highly suggest LV3 GS Charging Lao-Shan Lung's face when he comes into the area. It won't do much damage, if any at all, but the flinch is definitely worth it because it cuts off some movement time, and it also gives you something to do while you wait for the belly.

It'll take you about 6-10 hits on the head depending on what charge or generally what type of hit it is, but it helps on most occasions. When you get into the final area, always make sure to LV3 charge Lao-Shan's belly, because it is extremely easy due to his lack of over-all mobility. GS infinite combo on the other hand becomes much more difficult due to his sharp turning. You can also opt to block ( face his direction ) the roar's with the GS. It makes it easier when you go back into slashing at his belly. Whenever he stands up, get relatively close but not too close, and GS charge it, LV3. When he starts moving, face away and GS charge again, but make sure you're about two of Lao-Shan's steps ahead, he's moving fairly fast after all.

When he drops back down, continue to slash away at his belly with GS charges and the combo whenever possible, except use the triangle+circle command in between attacks to keep yourself paced.

As for the hammer, just do what it is in the video, as it basically covers everything already.
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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeWed Aug 29, 2012 8:07 pm

yah i used this^ twas easy as hell
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Kecha Wacha

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Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help!   Best way to solo Lao-Shan Lung? Help! Icon_minitimeSun Sep 02, 2012 8:41 am

If you're going as Blademaster. suggest using the Fire Dragonsword if it's the Village Elder's Lao. You can get the Lao stuff from slaying Shen Gaoren, especially the horn.
I used Ceanataur armour for Low Rank, since it gives me Sharp Sword and Sharpening Skl Inc. And with 5 Monoblos Hearts, you can make enough Artisan gems for Sharpness +1 which is also a fantastic ally (although you'd have to sacrifice 20 defense, although for Lao that's not too important).

As Gunner, I'd go for the Ceanataur set again or Remobra set + Ceanataur Coat, because of Pierce Shot Up.
Use something with Rapid Fire Pierce like Red says (I go for Assault Conga+ since I'm High Rank)

My strategy is based on Mazereon's as Blademaster: go for the belly (or the head if I can't yet hit him there), use the bridge to carve and bomb Lao's back, and use Transporters to go back to camp without risking a third of your reward. Face away from the belly if you're using the Spirit Combo.

As for Gunner, yeah, keep rolling in front and spamming Pierce S.
Interesting Gunner's fact: Shooting Lao's hind legs will make him collapse temporarily, giving you valuable time to repel him if you can't slay him. However watch out if there's a friend below, as it'll deal some rather heavy damage. Not sure if this is Ash lao only though :S
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