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Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Logo311
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Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Logo311
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 Just a dumb MH3U idea :)

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Thank you Points : 9

Monster Hunter Information
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Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): United States

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeWed Oct 23, 2013 5:20 pm

I think it would be cool if they made a survival mode type of hunt. Not the kind that has you kill a certain monster so many times or until the Paw Pass Ticket is available, but fighting a variety of monsters in one sitting until you beat the quest, or die 3 times. It could start from the easiest monsters up to the hardest, kind of like tiers.

I’d imagine in an arena, and basically you would fight one monster after another until you either beat them all or cart 3 times. Item box would contain basic starting items: Rations, Whetstone, Pots, etc. Monster carves would be Mega Pots. Health of the monsters cut in half, [I know full health would be amazing but some people aren’t that great, just saying ;)]

Tier 1 -Qurupeco  >  Lagiacrus >  Barroth > Rathian > Rathalos > Uragaan > Agnaktor.

Tier 2 – Nargacuga >  Steel Uragaan > Azure Rathalos > Pink Rathian > Black Diablos > Zinogre.

Tier 3 -  Brachydios > Silver Rathalos > Gold Rathian > Stygian Zinogre >  Ivory Lagiacrus >  Deviljho.

I know any kind of idea remotely similar to this will never happen, but a hunter can dream. IMO, there is no challenge in the game anymore except the few Super monster Quests, or doing Adrenaline/Heroic runs for fun. Does this sound….fun? Lol.

I’m thinking about running a test on this, hunting all said monsters above G-Rank, and only using the same items that I go in with on the first quest until I am out of mats to use. So I would hunt G. Jaggi and right after the quest ends, eat for buffs if I didn’t die then immediately post Great Baggi without restocking on mats. Basically, I want a good excuse to keep playing MH3U xD

Tl;dr version:

Survival quest with 3 tiers of monsters, hunt all monsters until you cart 3 times using the same items, no restock.


Survival Mode Rules:

- Can only use one Armor/Weapon set per tier, no swapping gear at all until you finish the current tier you are on.

- Can only restock: Whetstones, Ammo/Coatings, Stamina Recovery Items (Meats and Drinks), and Cool/Hot Drinks.

- After you use other items you brought, you cannot restock unless you find the materials during your hunts and combine materials.

- You can bring items that you didn't bring the previous quest, but you cannot restock those items unless they meet the criteria of the limited items allowed to be restocked.

- You absolutely cannot restock on healing items after your first quest. If you brought it in any quest and used it all, you cannot restock it.

- You can eat for Kitchen Buffs after a quest if you didn't die.

- If you got Felyne Foodie, and activated the skill after your first death and didn't die a second time, you can eat before your next quest.

- You can either decide to fight ALL the monsters in the game, or go by the tiers listed in the OP.

- After 3 deaths, the challenge ends and you can restart.

- You can bring Cha-Cha and Kayamba, if you do, you must bring them on every quest possible and cannot change their skills/masks/abilities.

- You can do this with only one partner.

- If you duo, you are both allowed to bring Cha Cha, Kayamba.

- That's all I can think of right now.

Last edited by PAiN--- on Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:50 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Thank you Points : 12

Monster Hunter Information
3DS friends code:
Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): North America, U.S.

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2013 3:47 am

Better bring a lot of whetstones...

Would the quest be timed?
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Thank you Points : 9

Monster Hunter Information
3DS friends code:
Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): United States

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeThu Oct 24, 2013 10:31 am

I thought about the same thing xD With so many monsters it shouldn't be timed, but MH isn't that considerate Yes by vort
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Thank you Points : 9

Monster Hunter Information
3DS friends code:
Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): United States

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 5:49 pm

Okay, did some testing..this idea is horrible for gunning, it's impossible to have enough ammo soloing more than 3 monsters in G-Rank.

I was able to get to Uragaan before my 3rd cart.

For Blademasters, it's pretty tough, but doable. I used Great Sword set, Cera Cymmetry with Focus, Sharp+1, Rock Steady, Crit Draw.

Had enough pots to last me a few more monsters, but BS was on there side.
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Monster Hunter Information
3DS friends code:
Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3ds
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): United States

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 6:13 pm

What if it gave you infinite of the most useful items.
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Thank you Points : 9

Monster Hunter Information
3DS friends code:
Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate WiiU
Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): United States

Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitimeFri Oct 25, 2013 6:34 pm

After doing some testing, I figured I would die in either the Volcano or Desert (D) because I'd run out of Cool Drinks.

When I did it I brought all the mats I would need because I didn't go back to my item box for ANYTHING. But since this type of quest doesn't exist and I'm forced to repost the quest, I think it would be more reasonable to allow going back to the item box to ONLY restock on: Whetstones, Stamina Recovery Items, Cool/Hot Drinks, and Ammo/Coatings. This way you still only use the Health Items you brought on the very first quest.

So I'm going to retry again starting from G. Jaggi. Only restocking the limited item list and eating for buffs if I didn't die.

It's VERY fun, especially for me so bored to do anything in the game, I encourage others to try ^.^

I'm going to try solo, but if anyone is interested to duo, let me know xD
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Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Just a dumb MH3U idea :)   Just a dumb MH3U idea :) Icon_minitime

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