Sup guys I am totally new here but i was wondering what u guys think of this mh rip off...since I'm lazy and don't want to get into any of the frontiers out there i was thinking to play this instead...but winged wolf does look stupid...
You can't really be "lazy" for MHFO, because Hunter Blade is in all Chinese, just l;ike MHFO. Your best bet is to get MHFO TW and join us in the fun, because none of us play Hunter Blade. ^^
To be honest Im not sure how to get on the tw i need a cssn?
As for my first impressions of hunterblade... incredibly easier mh, with the one thing me and my friends have always said would suck for mh to have, pvp. At least they dont have gunlance to eat everyone in pvp...
To be honest Im not sure how to get on the tw i need a cssn?
As for my first impressions of hunterblade... incredibly easier mh, with the one thing me and my friends have always said would suck for mh to have, pvp. At least they dont have gunlance to eat everyone in pvp...
You do not need a KSSN... There are guides on how to join over in the MHFO section of the forums.
That's the link for setting up the payments and all that. (I know, payments D:) But believe me, well worth it. This is for the TW version that us forum members are on.
That's the client download. If that doesn't work, there is a download link in TW guide I linked above. And here's a picture of what you need to click to download it if you use what I used to download.
*Note: That info is only if you would rather join everyone in MHFO. ^^
Well i just went through all those guides...and i think i love u guys...
Honestly this is retardedly simpler then the Korean version i went through hell just to TRY to get on...i gave up on finding a kssn. Paying has never been my issue NOW THAT I CAN JUST USE THAT MY CARD CRAP
....sorry the nightmares from the past flashed in my head
Also just to clarify i was stating that pvp in monster hunter is a stupid idea, think about it. I know I'm not the only gs wielder that turns to the nearest ally after a success full hunt and spends one whole minute up swinging his allies ALL OVER
And finally my update on hunterblade i have passed lv 20...TOOK NO TIME AT ALL, any way i now have the getsugatensho...or how ever thats spelled and yes u do get atks like not sure about application but it is fun to blast raptors with, usually while screaming "IM ICHIGO BIATCH!!!" i also figured out why the game was sooooo easy. There are difficulty choices for missions and i was always on easiest derp
Well now that i have installed and made all the unicode and time zone changes....i get an error code when i try to patch...if any of u would know if maybe the servers are down for maintenance or not?....i did make sure it wasnt a messed up id or what ever, it actually says ID error when i put in random nonsense;D
My first impression was like "WTF is this sh*t, why Capcom haven't do anything about it", then I saw some videos and was like "Ok its a horribly copy or just a epic failed game", later was like "OMG when Capcom sue them and win they will probably obtain all those Fcking monsters thet company did", and finally was like "you know, better do nothing and let the chinese have their MH since Capcom will probably not bring Frontier or other game since in China there arent any consoles like Wii, PS3 etc..." well but HB isn't the first rip off from a famous game ever made, there is alredy a Mario Galaxy with dinosaurs! (0_o) so it isnt much a surprise, its from the chinese, what would you wait from them?
weisscryptic: Haha, yeah, that happened to me last month when I tried playing it the other night. Anyway, I hope to see you on there! (I somehow broke my computer into thinking MHFO was a virus, so I'm only HR 5 :O)
ShadowCeadeusDM324: Well...the Chinese don't need their own fake MH game for PC, seeing as they have Frontier.
*EDIT: I din't see the last date posted, just in case this was dead, so my bad everyone. ^^*
ShadowCeadeusDM324: Well...the Chinese don't need their own fake MH game for PC, seeing as they have Frontier.
Well, if thats true then Im waiting for capcom to sue the company, if they really have frontier then, true, whats the point in making a rip-off of a game they have?
Last edited by ShadowCeadeusDM324 on Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
i got lost when we started talkin complex so imma stop posting here before i start postin here....... /leaves
Re: Hunter Blade? Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:09 pm by Lagiacrus the ultimate
Earlier in the thread Roik showed an article about China bringing Hunter Blade to the US. If they do that.... I imagine they aren't safe from copyright laws anymore.
Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:37 am by Hermz