First topic message reminder :Well we know that TG will come bundled with the add on for another slide pad and 3 additional buttons. Basically making it the same control scheme as the Classic controlor Pro for tri on the wii. But what if you choose to go the touch screen route?
Well... There is this:
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The touch screen will include a virtual D pad which will work for camera controls.
This is shown as the uper right button.
In the lower left you have your Item selections. Touch it and you can click to use or combine items.
Upper left shows the map. Click to inlarge it and see the area you are in better.
And lets not forget the little kick button... Tap and kick, tap and kick...
Next is the lock on (targeting feature) which is the button in the bottom right. It will remain inactive while there are no large monsters in the area.
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As you can see by clicking on it the monster will stay centered in fron tof your camera veiw.
Capcom has alsoalready stated that there will be several different set ups you can use so you can have the screen the way that best fits you.
In my opinion I really like the control set up with the touch screen and really don't see much of a point in the "Clissic" controlor add on. But I am sure many will much more prefer the add on over the use of the touch screen for many of the controls.