***From now on I shall be toggling between online/offline statuses when servers are run*** SO Andrew and I have been trying to get a good Hamachi server running but failed, so I tried again and got my desired results!
network ID: mhwiki
password: 1234
IP adress:
network ID: dinoballz
pass: 12345
ip: same as above
network ID: dinoballz2
There's hardly any lag, and the current max players is 20
is 5 but I'll increase it to 20 once i have enough traffic.I'll run the server if I know I'll be playing with people, which I can usually be contacted through chatbox but you can post in this thread as well (I won't check as much here though so chatbox is your best bet).
Status: offline Current ops:
Sai (myself)
Andrew (Noodl32)
thoseoldbones Please, no grievers or whatever its called. (That means every must have respect for one another and not destroy other people's work except your own work, that means you, Will! ) Post your user name and your computer 's name (for example mine is Erick-PC) MC Pics Bukkit World:
The GreenHouse at day and night:
https://i.servimg.com/u/f45/17/25/71/92/2012-017.jpghttps://i.servimg.com/u/f45/17/25/71/92/2012-018.jpghttps://i.servimg.com/u/f45/17/25/71/92/2012-019.jpgMy House:
https://i.servimg.com/u/f45/17/25/71/92/2012-020.jpgThe Spawn Point:
https://i.servimg.com/u/f45/17/25/71/92/2012-021.jpgThe Shops:
Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:22 am by Pierce708