Hello, my name is Skinsword and I have been playing the MH series since 2007. I currently own 2 mh games, mhfu and mhf2. Combined, I have around 600-700 hours on the profiles. I solo'd fatalis and did almost every guild hall quest in the game as well as collected the g version of black belt armor and almost every training weapon.
Despite my relatively average credentials when compared to other veteran hunters, I'm glad to finally be a new member of the monster hunter community. I have played few games for as long as the monster hunter series, and it is one of the only games that I still play since I was in high school.
I hope to have a great time being an active member of a community that shares the same interest as me.
Happy hunting
(sorry for the stilted english, I'm kind of tired and my winter break is killing my brain cells)
Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:07 pm by Jojozityjo