Monster Hunter Information 3DS friends code: Primary MH Title: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate 3ds Country of Origin (for connection Speed use): the pickle jar
Dota 2....
Who else plays this game? do you want to play together? how long have you played? did you get a code or did you buy it? will you answer these quenstions?
i got it free and have been playing for 2 days now
I play this game. Maybe later. For a week or so. I received a key from a friend. I just did? :O
Also for the people that don't know.
DotA2 is a recreation of the mod "DotA" from Warcraft 3. It is a rts game with a high difficulty setting. Compared to LoL it is alot slower but it is much harder because every error counts against you and there are alot more to keep in mind overall.
Ha, just kidding, there are only like, 4 people max who play League here. I have played it, I got it free (and now have a billion free codes to give away) but as Un-Tan said, it's freakishly hard. I can only play Windrunner, and even then I'm very very mediocre. I recommend it to anyone though, provided you can stick to a game til you learn to play it and you can take the overly abusive community.
Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:15 pm by Un-Tan