There are really only a few out right now. The best ones are on their way. I would say Wait until February 7th for "Resident Evil: Revilations" which has a really good online component or March for "Heroes of Ruin". HoR will be the 3DS forst big feature rich online game. It will have a fill drop in, drop out component and feature Diablo type gameplay with very customizable characters and over (I think they said 10,000 different weapons and Aurmors). With a traders network, full spotpass and streetpass functions and other stuff's.
But if you want something out now, I would sugest RE: Merchs if you can find a "cheap" NEW copy. The online play for it is pretty good but limited.
I'm a huge RE fan. At least of the ones released on Nintendo consoles. I have played through RE 4 countless times. RE Reveleations was a big part of what sold me on the system. I'm looking forward to other upcoming games, too. My question is what exactly is the online aspect of this game?
Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:45 am by dcj91x