It's not like Club Nintendo (NA at least) has had any worthwhile rewards for the past two years. I really couldn't care less if it's gone.
Nintendo did announce (and it's on the club nintendo page as well) that starting febuary 1st they are adding a ton of redemable games and a lot of physical (though limited amounts) items also.
So basically NoA finally does the club nintendo store correctly right before they shut it down.
I should also mention that nintendo has already confirmed they will be starting a new rewards program sometime later this year. None of your current club nin information transfers over though.
^ It's coming back but from what has been said the western version will not have online support or the ability to share stuff with others through the 3DS.. So it's a pretty watered down version.
^ It's coming back but from what has been said the western version will not have online support or the ability to share stuff with others through the 3DS.. So it's a pretty watered down version.
If that is true I see no point the original was great because of the community behind it and the work they all shared.
^ It's coming back but from what has been said the western version will not have online support or the ability to share stuff with others through the 3DS.. So it's a pretty watered down version.
If that is true I see no point the original was great because of the community behind it and the work they all shared.
The original definitely was great because of its community, and being able to see what everyone shared was the best part of it for me. Without the online and sharing, we're pretty much just going to get it to make them for a way to kill time or just show to people we know in rl... Doesn't exactly sound very appealing
I cannot fucking believe that such an obscure game like Startropics 2 is a reward. I'm totally getting it. Oh it also took about 2 hours to order that Majora's Mask puzzle.
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:16 pm by Guest